Oakpar Group uses a set of guidelines, systems, processes and advanced Corporate Governance practices based on the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, integrity, probity, ethics, efficiency and transparency, which, among others, provide for management, control and monitoring the relationship between Shareholders, the board of Directors, the executive board, Supervisory and Control Bodies, and other interested parties, as well as the environmental, social and corporate conduct criteria aiming at business excellence, sustainability, generation value and corporate longevity of the Company and its companies under its control.
Based on its internal integrity guidelines and organizational practices, which are also observed by its subsidiaries, Oakpar Group promotes a solid governance structure, guided by the management and control system of Oakpar Group and its subsidiaries, ensuring compliance with the fiduciary duty by senior management and the achievement of its organizational purpose, which includes the adoption of social, environmental and climate responsibility practices, as well as the achievement of the sustainable development commitments of all its companies, projects, activities and operations at a global level.
Valuing and respecting life and human rights.
Leveraging human capital.
Engaging stakeholders in the value chain with sustainability.
Commitment to dialogue and transparency in relations with all stakeholders.
Sustainable action based on the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Global Compact.
Inclusion and social empowerment of impacted communities.
Protection, preservation and maintenance of the environment and biodiversity, as well as sustainable use of natural resources.
Continuous improvement of the qualification of socio-environmental factors in risk management.
Continuous improvement of corporate governance practices.
Incorporation of technological innovations and high-value solutions for the business and its ecosystems.
Sustainable management of financial, intellectual, human, social, environmental, reputational and relational assets and capital.
Generating sustainable and shared value with all stakeholders.